Who loves Fall colors? That’s right: you do! And so do I. On a recent trip up to Squaw Valley, the Aspens were peacocking something fierce. Not since Canter’s crazy kaleidoscope ceiling have I seen such a display. The following morning, I woke to the first snowfall of the season. The contrast of fresh white snow, Tahoe’s blue skies and trees ablaze with vivid color was spectacular. Fall and winter: two old friends together at last.* I’ll have a full winter rundown on Squaw Valley in an upcoming post, but until then enjoy the autumn outtakes:
*I cop to plagiarizing a tad here. Many years ago in a liquor store in Tijuana (just keep reading), I took note of a peculiar promotional combo pack: Presidente Brandy and a can of Pringles. The marketing on the package — which prominently featured the two delicious products side-by-side — proclaimed: “Dos viejos amigos juntos al fin,” or Two old friends together at last.
So there you have it: a blog post that feature’s nature’s beauty, a Mexican liquor store and the pithy catch phrase that brought them together. See ya in Squaw!